The Construct cards

Attack ModeBasicSkill0Retain. Gain 2 (3) Strength. Lose 2 (3) Dexterity.
DefendBasicSkill1Cycle if Dexterity < 0. Gain 5 (8) Block.
Defense ModeBasicSkill0Retain. Gain 2 (3) Dexterity. Lose 2 (3) Strength.
Heated DefendBasicSkill1OVERHEAT: < 5 (10) > Cycle if Dexterity < 0. Gain 5 Block.
Heated StrikeBasicAttack1OVERHEAT: < 5 (10) > Cycle if Strength < 0. Deal 6 damage.
StrikeBasicAttack1Cycle if Strength < 0. Deal 6 (9) damage.
AccumulateCommonAttack2Deal 13 (17) damage. Make a copy of a non-rare card in your draw pile.
AnalyzeCommonSkill1Next turn, gain [E]and draw 2 (3)more cards.
AnticipateCommonSkill1Next turn, gain 11 (14) Block.
AutoturretCommonPower1When a card cycles, deal 1 (2) damage to a random enemy.
BackfireCommonAttack1Take 5 (4) damage. Deal 16 (19) damage.
BoostCommonAttack0Deal 2 (4) damage. Gain 2 (4) Block.
Cluster MinesCommonAttack2Deal 4 (5) damage to a random enemy 3 times. Whenever your Block is broken, this card costs 0 until played.
Create CoresCommonSkill1OVERHEAT: < 10 (15) > Shuffle 3 random Cores into your draw pile. Draw a card.
Fierce BashCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Hits twice if the enemy doesn't intend to attack or defend.
Flammable FogCommonSkill1OVERHEAT: < 5 > Gain 5 (7) Block. Gain 5 (7) Block next turn.
Focused BeamCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Put this on top of your draw pile.
ForcefieldCommonSkill1(Innate.) Retain. Gain 6 (8) Block.
Heavy BoltCommonAttack2Deal 15 (19) damage. Discard 2 random cards, then draw 2 cards.
Mode ShiftCommonSkill1 (0)Swap your Strength and Dexterity. Draw a card.
Phosphor StormCommonAttack1OVERHEAT: < 5 > Deal 7 (9) damage twice.
ReinforceCommonSkill1Gain 3 Block 2 (3) times.
RolloutCommonAttack1OVERHEAT: < 10 (15) > Deal damage equal to 3 times the number of cards that have Cycled this turn.
Save StateCommonSkill0Retain your hand this turn. (Draw 1 card.)Exhaust.
Scrap CannonCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Exhaust 1 card.
Shift StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 6 (7) damage. Gain 1 (2) Strength. Lose 1 (2) Dexterity.
Suppressive FireCommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage to ALL enemies. Gain 1 Blur.
Sweep LaserCommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage, then deal 4 (6) damage to ALL enemies.
Syphon StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Whenever the enemy takes attack damage this turn, draw 1 card.
Vent SteamCommonSkill1Exhaust 1 card. Apply 1 (2) Weak and 1 (2) Vulnerable.
VersatilityCommonAttack1If the target intends to attack, gain 7 (10) Block. Otherwise, deal 7 (10) damage.
AgitationUncommonPower1(Innate.)Whenever a card Overheats, gain 1 Strength and 1 Dexterity.
AntimatterUncommonAttack0Reduce your [E] to 0. Deal damage equal to 4 (5) times the number of cards in your hand.
BackupUncommonSkill1(Retain.)Choose a non-rare card from your hand. Add 2 copies on top of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Battery AcidUncommonSkill0Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Shuffle 1 Slimed into your draw pile.
Blazing SpeedUncommonAttack0OVERHEAT: < 5 > Deal 3 damage. Draw 2 (3) cards.
ChainstrikeUncommonAttack2Deal 5 damage, then play a (!M!) random Attack(s) from your draw pile on the same target.
Charge ShotUncommonAttack1Retain. Deal 5 (7) damage, plus 5 (7) for each turn this was retained.
Crippling ShotUncommonAttack1Deal 0 (3) damage. If this dealt unblocked damage, apply 99 Weak. Exhaust.
Critical HitUncommonAttack1Cycle unless an enemy is Weak or Vulnerable. Deal 14 (18) damage.
DampeningUncommonSkill0Cards cannot Cycle until the end of your next turn. Gain 4 Block. Draw 1 (2) card(s).
DisruptUncommonSkill1Gain 7 Block. Enemy loses 2 (3) Strength for the rest of this turn.
Electric ArmorUncommonSkill1 (0)Cycle if Dexterity < 1. When an enemy attacks you this turn, it takes damage equal to your Dexterity.
ElectrocuteUncommonAttack3Deal 22 (26) damage. Target loses 5 (7) Strength for the rest of this turn.
EnhanceUncommonPower1Each turn, Upgrade a (!M!) random card(s) in your discard pile for this combat.
FailsafeUncommonPower1The first 2 (3) Status cards you draw each turn Cycle.
Flak BarrageUncommonAttack1(Cycle if Strength < 1.)Deal 0 damage to a random enemy 4 times.
Flame CoreUncommonSkill0Cycle. When cycled: A random enemy takes 3 damage.(Put a Flame Core into your discard pile.)
Flash FreezeUncommonSkill1Gain 10 Block. Cards cannot Overheat for the next 2 (3) turns. Exhaust.
Force CoreUncommonSkill0Cycle. When cycled: Gain 1 Strength until the end of this turn.(Put a Force Core into your discard pile.)
Guard CoreUncommonSkill0Cycle. When cycled: Gain 2 Block.(Put a Guard Core into your discard pile.)
Hard RebootUncommonSkill1Exhaust your hand. Draw 3 (5) cards. Exhaust.
HazardproofUncommonSkill1Gain 2 (5) Block. Gain 1 Artifact.
ImpenetrableUncommonSkill3Gain 25 Block. Gain [E] ([E]) next turn. Exhaust.
ImplosionUncommonSkill2 (1)Put ALL Burns from your exhaust pile into your hand. For each, play a random card from your draw pile.
IsolateUncommonSkill1Cycle if there's more than one enemy. Your next (not next)attack(s) deals (deal) double damage this turn.
Laser CoreUncommonSkill0Cycle. When cycled: ALL enemies take 2 damage.(Put a Laser Core into your discard pile.)
Metal ShellUncommonSkill1Gain 4 Block. Gain 2 (3) Plated Armor.
MissileUncommonAttack2Cycle if already played this combat. Deal 15 (19) damage. Apply 2 Weak and 2 Vulnerable.
Molten SmashUncommonAttack2Gain 15 (18) Block. Deal 15 (18) damage. Replace the cards to the left and right of this with Burns for this combat.
Nuclear CoreUncommonSkill0OVERHEAT: < 10 > Cycle. When cycled: Apply 2 Poison to ALL enemies.(Put a Nuclear Core into your discard pile.)
Oil SpillUncommonSkill1OVERHEAT: < 5 > Whenever a Burn hits you, target enemy takes 9 (11) damage.
Omega CannonUncommonAttack5Deal 15 (20) damage. Costs 1 less [E] for each Strength you have.
One-Way MirrorUncommonSkill2Gain 12 (14) Block.Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable to ALL enemies.
OverchargeUncommonPower1 (0)At the start of your turn, gain [R] and add a Burn to your hand.
OverclockUncommonPower1 (0)At the start of your turn, draw 2 cards and add a Burn to your hand.
Point DefenseUncommonPower1When a card cycles, gain 1 Block. Works 5 (10) times per turn.
Power UpUncommonAttack2Deal 7 damage. ALL of your basic Strikes and Defends gain 2 (3) power for this combat. Exhaust.
Quick AttackUncommonAttack0Deal 3 (5) damage. Gain 2 (3) Dexterity. At the end of your turn, lose 2 (3) Dexterity.
Reactive ShieldUncommonPower2(Innate.)When you gain Block, deal 3 (4) damage to the lowest-HP enemy.
Scope CoreUncommonSkill0Cycle. When cycled: A random enemy gains 1 Vulnerable.(Put a Scope Core into your discard pile.)
Shift GuardUncommonSkill1Gain 5 (6) Block. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity. Lose 1 (2) Strength.
StasisUncommonSkill1Exhaust a card. Next time you play this, add 1 (2) Mega-upgraded copy (copies) of that card to your hand.
SynchronizeUncommonPower1(Innate.)When you draw 2 of the same card in a row, deal 8 damage to ALL enemies.
TumbleUncommonAttack1Draw 3 cards. For each one that cycles, deal 3 (5) damage.
Unbalancing BlastUncommonAttack1(Retain.)Deal 10 (12) damage. Swap your draw pile and discard pile.
ZapperUncommonPower2 (1)When you gain Strength or Dexterity, deal 3 damage to a random enemy. It loses 1 Strength this turn.
AfterburnersRareSkill2Shuffle 3 (2) Burns into your draw pile. This turn, your next non-rare card is played 3 times.
Battery CoreRareSkill0Cycle. When cycled: A card in your hand costs 1 less this turn.(Put a Battery Core into your discard pile.)
BunkerRarePower1When a card is Retained, gain 2 (3) Block.
Clockwork EggRareSkill0 (1)Draw (Add an Attack Mode+ and) a card (Defense Mode+ to your hand). Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) Can be Upgraded 3 (2) more times.
Dark FlamesRareAttack1For each Burn in your exhaust pile, deal 3 damage and gain [E]. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Gatling GunRareAttackXDeal 3 (4) damage to a random enemy 2 X times.
Golden BulletRareAttack1Lose 20 (15) gold. Deal 18 (22) damage.
Hammer DownRareAttack3Deal 12 (16) damage. Double your Strength and Dexterity.
Hasty RepairRareSkill1Heal 12 (16) HP. Lose 2 Max HP. Exhaust.
Hyper BeamRareAttack3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Deal 50 damage. Put 2 Dazed on top of your draw pile.
Long-Range LanceRarePower1At the start of the next combat, deal 12 (16) damage to a random enemy.
Mass ProductionRareSkill3 (2)Choose a non-rare card in your draw pile. Exhaust your hand and replace it with copies of that card. Exhaust.
MeltdownRarePower1At the start of your turn, deal 12 (14) damage to ALL enemies and add a Burn to your hand.
Memory TapRareSkill2Add a random (Upgraded) red, green, and blue card to your hand. (not) They cost 0 this turn. (not) Exhaust.
MultistageRareSkillXExhaust an Attack of cost X or less. At the start of your next 2 (3) turns, play a copy of that card. Exhaust.
Panic FireRarePower2When a non-upgraded card cycles, Exhaust it and deal 8 (12) damage to a random enemy.
ReservesRareSkill0Cycle if HP > 20 (30). Gain [R] [R] [R]. Draw 3 cards. Exhaust.
Shield BurstRareAttack1Lose all your Block. Deal one and a half (!M!) times that much damage to ALL enemies.
Shield GeneratorRarePower1Gain 4 Blur. Gain 2 (1) Vulnerable.
Shifting StanceRarePower1Every time you play 3 (2) cards, swap your Strength and Dexterity.
Siege FormRarePower3After you play a card, gain 2 (3) Strength until the end of the turn.
Spin DriveRarePower3 (2)When you play a card, draw a card. Works 3 times per turn.
SunburstRareSkill3 (2)Exhaust ALL Status cards and replace them with random cards. Those cards cost 0 this combat. Exhaust.

The Construct relics

CogwheelStarterConstructmodGain 1Artifact at the start of each combat.A piece of old machinery, carefully preserved.
Master CoreCommonConstructmodAt the start of combat, shuffle 3 random Cores into your draw pile.A core stolen from one of the Guardians. Summons other cores to your aid.
Foam FingerUncommonFor the first 3 turns of each combat, draw 1 additional card at the start of your turn.Always useful when you need a helping hand.
Mega BatteryUncommonConstructmodUpon pick up, Mega-upgrade a random Construct card.Developed by gremlin inventors in an attempt to create a self-aware robot. It did not go well.
Bool HornsRareAt the start of each combat, deal 3 damage to a random enemy. Upon entering a non-combat space, double the damage this relic deals next combat.Horns from a rarely-seen species. Bools are known to only show aggression towards those who speak lies.
Purple EmberRareConstructmodWhen you enter a Rest Site, your starting hand next combat is Mega-upgraded until the end of combat.A ghostly, flickering flame. It seems to absorb the power of nearby fires.
Rocket BoosterRareWhen you defeat an Elite, Upgrade a random card.It doesn't matter how weak your swing is when you're moving at 200 miles per hour.
Challenger's Mark 1SpecialConstructmodModes give +1/-1 & can't be copied.The mark of one who chooses to undertake the Spire's toughest challenges.
Challenger's Mark 2SpecialConstructmodModes give +1/-1 & can't be copied. Starter cards Overheat.The mark of one who chooses to undertake the Spire's toughest challenges.
Challenger's Mark 3SpecialConstructmodModes give +1/-1 & can't be copied. Starter cards Overheat. Discard 50% of Retained cards.The mark of one who chooses to undertake the Spire's toughest challenges.
Challenger's Mark 4SpecialConstructmodModes give +1/-1 & can't be copied. Starter cards Overheat. Discard 50% of Retained cards. Burns are upgraded.The mark of one who chooses to undertake the Spire's toughest challenges.
Challenger's Mark 5SpecialConstructmodModes give +1/-1 & can't be copied. Starter cards Overheat. Discard 50% of Retained cards. Burns are upgraded. Weaker cards.The mark of one who chooses to undertake the Spire's toughest challenges.
Clockwork PhoenixSpecialConstructmodYour upgraded Construct cards can now be Mega-upgraded outside of combat.An artificial being designed to imitate the real thing. Amazingly lifelike.
EXTRA-Long-Range LanceSpecialConstructmodAt the start of the combat after the next one, deal -1 damage to a random enemy, then lose this relic.Okay, you just launched this one randomly. But it's bound to hit something!
Long-Range LanceSpecialConstructmodAt the start of the next combat, deal -1 damage to a random enemy, then lose this relic.You hit exactly what you aimed at.
Claw GripBossAt the end of each turn, Retain a random card. It costs 1 less [E] next turn.An extendable arm used to grab hard-to-reach objects.
Wedding RingBossUpon pickup, choose 2 cards. Once per turn, after you play one of them, play the other one too.It's inscribed with "FT2J".
Ice CubesShopConstructmodYour cards cannot Overheat for the first 3 turns of combat.Cool and refreshing.

The Construct potions

Shift PotionUncommonSwap your Strength and Dexterity. Draw 1 card.
Mega PotionRareMega-upgrade1 random card in your hand for the rest of combat.

The Construct keywords

[#ff9900]overheatWhen too many cards Cycle in one turn, transform this card into a Burn for this combat.
blurYour Block is carried over between turns.
coresCores are cards that Cycle and apply a small bonus effect.
cycleWhen drawn, discard this and draw a new card. Only works once per turn.
eggEggs are relics that automatically Upgrade cards when you acquire them.
mega-upgradeA second upgrade that makes Construct cards even more powerful.
metallicizeGain Block at the end of each turn.
plated armorGain Block at the end of each turn. Reduced when you take unblocked damage.
slimedSlimed is a status card that costs [R] to exhaust.

The Construct creatures

the ConstructPlayer85