Name | Image | Rarity | Type | Cost | Description |
Attack Mode | | Basic | Skill | 0 | Retain. Gain 2 (3) Strength. Lose 2 (3) Dexterity. |
Defend | | Basic | Skill | 1 | Cycle if Dexterity < 0. Gain 5 (8) Block. |
Defense Mode | | Basic | Skill | 0 | Retain. Gain 2 (3) Dexterity. Lose 2 (3) Strength. |
Heated Defend | | Basic | Skill | 1 | OVERHEAT: < 5 (10) > Cycle if Dexterity < 0. Gain 5 Block. |
Heated Strike | | Basic | Attack | 1 | OVERHEAT: < 5 (10) > Cycle if Strength < 0. Deal 6 damage. |
Strike | | Basic | Attack | 1 | Cycle if Strength < 0. Deal 6 (9) damage. |
Accumulate | | Common | Attack | 2 | Deal 13 (17) damage. Make a copy of a non-rare card in your draw pile. |
Analyze | | Common | Skill | 1 | Next turn, gain [E]and draw 2 (3)more cards. |
Anticipate | | Common | Skill | 1 | Next turn, gain 11 (14) Block. |
Autoturret | | Common | Power | 1 | When a card cycles, deal 1 (2) damage to a random enemy. |
Backfire | | Common | Attack | 1 | Take 5 (4) damage. Deal 16 (19) damage. |
Boost | | Common | Attack | 0 | Deal 2 (4) damage. Gain 2 (4) Block. |
Cluster Mines | | Common | Attack | 2 | Deal 4 (5) damage to a random enemy 3 times. Whenever your Block is broken, this card costs 0 until played. |
Create Cores | | Common | Skill | 1 | OVERHEAT: < 10 (15) > Shuffle 3 random Cores into your draw pile. Draw a card. |
Fierce Bash | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 (12) damage. Hits twice if the enemy doesn't intend to attack or defend. |
Flammable Fog | | Common | Skill | 1 | OVERHEAT: < 5 > Gain 5 (7) Block. Gain 5 (7) Block next turn. |
Focused Beam | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 (12) damage. Put this on top of your draw pile. |
Forcefield | | Common | Skill | 1 | (Innate.) Retain. Gain 6 (8) Block. |
Heavy Bolt | | Common | Attack | 2 | Deal 15 (19) damage. Discard 2 random cards, then draw 2 cards. |
Mode Shift | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Swap your Strength and Dexterity. Draw a card. |
Phosphor Storm | | Common | Attack | 1 | OVERHEAT: < 5 > Deal 7 (9) damage twice. |
Reinforce | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 3 Block 2 (3) times. |
Rollout | | Common | Attack | 1 | OVERHEAT: < 10 (15) > Deal damage equal to 3 times the number of cards that have Cycled this turn. |
Save State | | Common | Skill | 0 | Retain your hand this turn. (Draw 1 card.)Exhaust. |
Scrap Cannon | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 (12) damage. Exhaust 1 card. |
Shift Strike | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 6 (7) damage. Gain 1 (2) Strength. Lose 1 (2) Dexterity. |
Suppressive Fire | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 5 (7) damage to ALL enemies. Gain 1 Blur. |
Sweep Laser | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 4 (6) damage, then deal 4 (6) damage to ALL enemies. |
Syphon Strike | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 7 (10) damage. Whenever the enemy takes attack damage this turn, draw 1 card. |
Vent Steam | | Common | Skill | 1 | Exhaust 1 card. Apply 1 (2) Weak and 1 (2) Vulnerable. |
Versatility | | Common | Attack | 1 | If the target intends to attack, gain 7 (10) Block. Otherwise, deal 7 (10) damage. |
Agitation | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | (Innate.)Whenever a card Overheats, gain 1 Strength and 1 Dexterity. |
Antimatter | | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | Reduce your [E] to 0. Deal damage equal to 4 (5) times the number of cards in your hand. |
Backup | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | (Retain.)Choose a non-rare card from your hand. Add 2 copies on top of your draw pile. Exhaust. |
Battery Acid | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Shuffle 1 Slimed into your draw pile. |
Blazing Speed | | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | OVERHEAT: < 5 > Deal 3 damage. Draw 2 (3) cards. |
Chainstrike | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Deal 5 damage, then play a (!M!) random Attack(s) from your draw pile on the same target. |
Charge Shot | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Retain. Deal 5 (7) damage, plus 5 (7) for each turn this was retained. |
Crippling Shot | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 0 (3) damage. If this dealt unblocked damage, apply 99 Weak. Exhaust. |
Critical Hit | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Cycle unless an enemy is Weak or Vulnerable. Deal 14 (18) damage. |
Dampening | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Cards cannot Cycle until the end of your next turn. Gain 4 Block. Draw 1 (2) card(s). |
Disrupt | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 7 Block. Enemy loses 2 (3) Strength for the rest of this turn. |
Electric Armor | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Cycle if Dexterity < 1. When an enemy attacks you this turn, it takes damage equal to your Dexterity. |
Electrocute | | Uncommon | Attack | 3 | Deal 22 (26) damage. Target loses 5 (7) Strength for the rest of this turn. |
Enhance | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Each turn, Upgrade a (!M!) random card(s) in your discard pile for this combat. |
Failsafe | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | The first 2 (3) Status cards you draw each turn Cycle. |
Flak Barrage | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | (Cycle if Strength < 1.)Deal 0 damage to a random enemy 4 times. |
Flame Core | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Cycle. When cycled: A random enemy takes 3 damage.(Put a Flame Core into your discard pile.) |
Flash Freeze | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 10 Block. Cards cannot Overheat for the next 2 (3) turns. Exhaust. |
Force Core | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Cycle. When cycled: Gain 1 Strength until the end of this turn.(Put a Force Core into your discard pile.) |
Guard Core | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Cycle. When cycled: Gain 2 Block.(Put a Guard Core into your discard pile.) |
Hard Reboot | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Exhaust your hand. Draw 3 (5) cards. Exhaust. |
Hazardproof | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 2 (5) Block. Gain 1 Artifact. |
Impenetrable | | Uncommon | Skill | 3 | Gain 25 Block. Gain [E] ([E]) next turn. Exhaust. |
Implosion | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 (1) | Put ALL Burns from your exhaust pile into your hand. For each, play a random card from your draw pile. |
Isolate | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Cycle if there's more than one enemy. Your next (not next)attack(s) deals (deal) double damage this turn. |
Laser Core | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Cycle. When cycled: ALL enemies take 2 damage.(Put a Laser Core into your discard pile.) |
Metal Shell | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 4 Block. Gain 2 (3) Plated Armor. |
Missile | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Cycle if already played this combat. Deal 15 (19) damage. Apply 2 Weak and 2 Vulnerable. |
Molten Smash | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Gain 15 (18) Block. Deal 15 (18) damage. Replace the cards to the left and right of this with Burns for this combat. |
Nuclear Core | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | OVERHEAT: < 10 > Cycle. When cycled: Apply 2 Poison to ALL enemies.(Put a Nuclear Core into your discard pile.) |
Oil Spill | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | OVERHEAT: < 5 > Whenever a Burn hits you, target enemy takes 9 (11) damage. |
Omega Cannon | | Uncommon | Attack | 5 | Deal 15 (20) damage. Costs 1 less [E] for each Strength you have. |
One-Way Mirror | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Gain 12 (14) Block.Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable to ALL enemies. |
Overcharge | | Uncommon | Power | 1 (0) | At the start of your turn, gain [R] and add a Burn to your hand. |
Overclock | | Uncommon | Power | 1 (0) | At the start of your turn, draw 2 cards and add a Burn to your hand. |
Point Defense | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | When a card cycles, gain 1 Block. Works 5 (10) times per turn. |
Power Up | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Deal 7 damage. ALL of your basic Strikes and Defends gain 2 (3) power for this combat. Exhaust. |
Quick Attack | | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | Deal 3 (5) damage. Gain 2 (3) Dexterity. At the end of your turn, lose 2 (3) Dexterity. |
Reactive Shield | | Uncommon | Power | 2 | (Innate.)When you gain Block, deal 3 (4) damage to the lowest-HP enemy. |
Scope Core | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Cycle. When cycled: A random enemy gains 1 Vulnerable.(Put a Scope Core into your discard pile.) |
Shift Guard | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 5 (6) Block. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity. Lose 1 (2) Strength. |
Stasis | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Exhaust a card. Next time you play this, add 1 (2) Mega-upgraded copy (copies) of that card to your hand. |
Synchronize | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | (Innate.)When you draw 2 of the same card in a row, deal 8 damage to ALL enemies. |
Tumble | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Draw 3 cards. For each one that cycles, deal 3 (5) damage. |
Unbalancing Blast | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | (Retain.)Deal 10 (12) damage. Swap your draw pile and discard pile. |
Zapper | | Uncommon | Power | 2 (1) | When you gain Strength or Dexterity, deal 3 damage to a random enemy. It loses 1 Strength this turn. |
Afterburners | | Rare | Skill | 2 | Shuffle 3 (2) Burns into your draw pile. This turn, your next non-rare card is played 3 times. |
Battery Core | | Rare | Skill | 0 | Cycle. When cycled: A card in your hand costs 1 less this turn.(Put a Battery Core into your discard pile.) |
Bunker | | Rare | Power | 1 | When a card is Retained, gain 2 (3) Block. |
Clockwork Egg | | Rare | Skill | 0 (1) | Draw (Add an Attack Mode+ and) a card (Defense Mode+ to your hand). Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) Can be Upgraded 3 (2) more times. |
Dark Flames | | Rare | Attack | 1 | For each Burn in your exhaust pile, deal 3 damage and gain [E]. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Gatling Gun | | Rare | Attack | X | Deal 3 (4) damage to a random enemy 2 X times. |
Golden Bullet | | Rare | Attack | 1 | Lose 20 (15) gold. Deal 18 (22) damage. |
Hammer Down | | Rare | Attack | 3 | Deal 12 (16) damage. Double your Strength and Dexterity. |
Hasty Repair | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Heal 12 (16) HP. Lose 2 Max HP. Exhaust. |
Hyper Beam | | Rare | Attack | 3 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Deal 50 damage. Put 2 Dazed on top of your draw pile. |
Long-Range Lance | | Rare | Power | 1 | At the start of the next combat, deal 12 (16) damage to a random enemy. |
Mass Production | | Rare | Skill | 3 (2) | Choose a non-rare card in your draw pile. Exhaust your hand and replace it with copies of that card. Exhaust. |
Meltdown | | Rare | Power | 1 | At the start of your turn, deal 12 (14) damage to ALL enemies and add a Burn to your hand. |
Memory Tap | | Rare | Skill | 2 | Add a random (Upgraded) red, green, and blue card to your hand. (not) They cost 0 this turn. (not) Exhaust. |
Multistage | | Rare | Skill | X | Exhaust an Attack of cost X or less. At the start of your next 2 (3) turns, play a copy of that card. Exhaust. |
Panic Fire | | Rare | Power | 2 | When a non-upgraded card cycles, Exhaust it and deal 8 (12) damage to a random enemy. |
Reserves | | Rare | Skill | 0 | Cycle if HP > 20 (30). Gain [R] [R] [R]. Draw 3 cards. Exhaust. |
Shield Burst | | Rare | Attack | 1 | Lose all your Block. Deal one and a half (!M!) times that much damage to ALL enemies. |
Shield Generator | | Rare | Power | 1 | Gain 4 Blur. Gain 2 (1) Vulnerable. |
Shifting Stance | | Rare | Power | 1 | Every time you play 3 (2) cards, swap your Strength and Dexterity. |
Siege Form | | Rare | Power | 3 | After you play a card, gain 2 (3) Strength until the end of the turn. |
Spin Drive | | Rare | Power | 3 (2) | When you play a card, draw a card. Works 3 times per turn. |
Sunburst | | Rare | Skill | 3 (2) | Exhaust ALL Status cards and replace them with random cards. Those cards cost 0 this combat. Exhaust. |
Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Cogwheel | | Starter | Constructmod | Gain 1Artifact at the start of each combat. | A piece of old machinery, carefully preserved. |
Master Core | | Common | Constructmod | At the start of combat, shuffle 3 random Cores into your draw pile. | A core stolen from one of the Guardians. Summons other cores to your aid. |
Foam Finger | | Uncommon | | For the first 3 turns of each combat, draw 1 additional card at the start of your turn. | Always useful when you need a helping hand. |
Mega Battery | | Uncommon | Constructmod | Upon pick up, Mega-upgrade a random Construct card. | Developed by gremlin inventors in an attempt to create a self-aware robot. It did not go well. |
Bool Horns | | Rare | | At the start of each combat, deal 3 damage to a random enemy. Upon entering a non-combat space, double the damage this relic deals next combat. | Horns from a rarely-seen species. Bools are known to only show aggression towards those who speak lies. |
Purple Ember | | Rare | Constructmod | When you enter a Rest Site, your starting hand next combat is Mega-upgraded until the end of combat. | A ghostly, flickering flame. It seems to absorb the power of nearby fires. |
Rocket Booster | | Rare | | When you defeat an Elite, Upgrade a random card. | It doesn't matter how weak your swing is when you're moving at 200 miles per hour. |
Challenger's Mark 1 | | Special | Constructmod | Modes give +1/-1 & can't be copied. | The mark of one who chooses to undertake the Spire's toughest challenges. |
Challenger's Mark 2 | | Special | Constructmod | Modes give +1/-1 & can't be copied. Starter cards Overheat. | The mark of one who chooses to undertake the Spire's toughest challenges. |
Challenger's Mark 3 | | Special | Constructmod | Modes give +1/-1 & can't be copied. Starter cards Overheat. Discard 50% of Retained cards. | The mark of one who chooses to undertake the Spire's toughest challenges. |
Challenger's Mark 4 | | Special | Constructmod | Modes give +1/-1 & can't be copied. Starter cards Overheat. Discard 50% of Retained cards. Burns are upgraded. | The mark of one who chooses to undertake the Spire's toughest challenges. |
Challenger's Mark 5 | | Special | Constructmod | Modes give +1/-1 & can't be copied. Starter cards Overheat. Discard 50% of Retained cards. Burns are upgraded. Weaker cards. | The mark of one who chooses to undertake the Spire's toughest challenges. |
Clockwork Phoenix | | Special | Constructmod | Your upgraded Construct cards can now be Mega-upgraded outside of combat. | An artificial being designed to imitate the real thing. Amazingly lifelike. |
EXTRA-Long-Range Lance | | Special | Constructmod | At the start of the combat after the next one, deal -1 damage to a random enemy, then lose this relic. | Okay, you just launched this one randomly. But it's bound to hit something! |
Long-Range Lance | | Special | Constructmod | At the start of the next combat, deal -1 damage to a random enemy, then lose this relic. | You hit exactly what you aimed at. |
Claw Grip | | Boss | | At the end of each turn, Retain a random card. It costs 1 less [E] next turn. | An extendable arm used to grab hard-to-reach objects. |
Wedding Ring | | Boss | | Upon pickup, choose 2 cards. Once per turn, after you play one of them, play the other one too. | It's inscribed with "FT2J". |
Ice Cubes | | Shop | Constructmod | Your cards cannot Overheat for the first 3 turns of combat. | Cool and refreshing. |